We chose to foster a dog because our own dog had passed away and we had recently become empty-nesters. The house felt quiet without kids or a dog – but we had also gotten used to our freedom. We thought it would be a good idea to try having a dog part-time to see if we were ready to make the full-time commitment that comes with dog ownership. Our own dog had come from a rescue located in New Orleans and we did not get a chance to meet him or learn anything about his history prior to taking him home.
The dogs that Esra brings to America are thoroughly evaluated – physically and emotionally in their home country before being brought to America. It was comforting to know we were fostering a dog that did not have any issues with aggression. We were able to play a part in continuing to evaluate the dog, so that we could assist Esra in making the best choice for the dog’s forever home.
We have frequently been asked “How can you give them up?” While we loved the dogs that we fostered, we also knew that the owners that Esra found for each dog were an ideal match for that particular dog’s temperament, need for companionship and activity level. Yes, we were sad to see them go, but seeing the follow-up videos and photos instantly made us realize they are in their perfect home!
Esra is very easy to work with and takes care of everything. She schedules the veterinary and grooming visits and picks up the dog and takes them to all appointments. She buys the supplies and food needed and is always available for questions. The only thing you need to do is provide a safe and loving home for the dog.
Fostering with Legacy Rescue has turned out to be a great way to enjoy having a dog in our lives and to be able to make a difference in the lives of the dog and their new owners.
Dadas Family
This beautiful Akbas mixed mom had 5 puppies in the woods of Erzurum in 2015. She tried to survive in cruel cold water and hunger. However this was not her hardest task, her hardest task were the cruel people. Cruel people who tortured her, cut up her 4 puppies and beheaded them with machetes in the name of fun. Sick… One puppy survived by hiding underneath a construction site but they managed to cut her tail and she also received some cuts to her legs but she managed to escape somehow… Our rescue could not stand to leave this poor mom and pup there. We were able to work with one of the loveliest animal activist Sibel Molu and she helped us transport this beautiful family all the way from Erzurum to Istanbul – 14 hours. They came to the big city and went to the vet and then to a great pet hotel where they were loved and felt safe. In August of 2015 they both found homes in WI, USA and flew home with another wonderful flight volunteer, animal activist Auntie Yaprak.
Nala, the puppy,went through health challenges but survived. She is a survivor this strong girl. She did not find happy ending with first family but she has since find the perfect family and is being loved exactly as she deserves.Her parents adore her and are best parents she could ever have. Lily, mom, has been living with her amazing family and 2 siblings in her farm and is a happy dog who just has fun playing all day long. We hope some day they see each other again as they live close by and share with you their pics and videos.
Nala and Lily
This is a mom and puppy we rescued 2 years ago from Erzurum Turkey. The mom and pup were the only survivors of family of 7. 5 puppies were savagely decapitated and there was only surviving pup (Nala) and mom (Lily). We immediately brought them to Istanbul (long drive) and they saw a vet and stayed at a safe pet hotel for 3 months before we found them homes in Wisconsin and they flew together. Their lives have changed and they are doing amazing with their families.
Miles was adopted out 7 times in Turkey and returned each times with excuses that are absolutely not worth even mentioning. He was also treated poorly so he was very scared of any sharp or blunt objects. Although he was no golden, he also deserved a good life and true love. Legacy Rescue decided to bring him having a wonderful family in mind and he flew home 1 year ago. He was very thin and his fur was not great. Here he is 1 year later strong,confident and absolutely handsome. He is thriving in his home and his family adores him… and so do we ?
Bobo was purchased from a breeder in Germany 5 years ago. His family brought him to Turkey. Bobo has a fairly lonely life living in their garden and mostly leashed. He usually enjoyed socializing when he would be dropped off at best dog club in Istanbul and didn’t want to go home. Once he turned 5 the family decided to move somewhere where he couldn’t bring him so they gave him to best dog club who in turn contacted Legacy Rescue.
Bobo came here august 2017 and he was adopted by an amazing family in Milton,MA. He goes on daily hikes in Blue Hills with mom and fur brother Chazz and is the leader at the dog park ☺️
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