
Legacy Rescue Paint your Pet Night

ANOTHER GREAT SUCCESS!!!! Thank you to ALL our old and new friends for coming to support Legacy Rescue dogs and thank you to Arlington Art-lounge. What an amazing establishment. We highly recommend. We all had a blast and hope to see you again at another event soon ❤️  

Paint your Pet

Legacy Rescue is hosting Paint your Pet Night. There will be yummy appetizers and you can purchase beer or wine.  In order to participate, please sign up at Legacy Rescue Paint Your Pet Saturday, November 3, 2018 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Barktober Fest

Legacy Rescue will be at Barktober Fest!! It will be a fun day for local dogs & their people to enjoy the season and support a good cause. Barktober Fest will include family and dog-friendly activities and events, games, live music, trick dog & sporting dog presentations, vendors, dog costume contest, and more! Sunday, October

Legacy Rescue First Fundraiser

We at Legacy Rescue are so humbled by the outpouring of love and support by all the people who attended and couldn’t attend but supported us anyway for our first fundraising event. Our dogs and we were surrounded by nothing but positivity and we have raised an amazing amount to help more dogs. Kudos really